Letter 26: We’re in March, don’t leave us alone!
Letter 26: We’re in March, don’t leave us alone! Saturday, March-07-2009 to April-02-09 Here again, hanging on the steep slopes of our mountains, In the middle of our gardens devastated by the elements provoked by climate change, We do what the unemployed do, what prisoners do, We cultivate hope! We’re a young country with a long history, but have become less smart. The IMF and the WB still let us borrow and mortgage our children’s future! Here, on the steps to our house, where the smoke rises From last fall’s leftover leaves and the street garbage We can’t breathe. I say, better not to be able to breathe from that than from the smoke of the guns…. But spring is in the air, our apricots have blossomed before the cherries and I hear the buzz of the bees who come from far (Vardkes has left his beehives elsewhere this year). The local black-flies are out, they bother everybody else for 10 days, but they don’t seem to like Canadian-Armenian blood. Everyone talks of the “Jknazham” (The Eco...